
Support World Toilet Day with Royal Restrooms

November 19, 2013 – Yep, it’s true. Google it. Today is indeed World Toilet Day. Greetings from the throne, the loo, the potty, the john, or whatever your preferred name is for the wonderful toilet! Toilets are our business, so of course, we love them and you should too. Without them, we would be like the 2.5 billion people on the planet who lack access to basic sanitation.

World Toilet Day, officially named by the UN General Assembly, was created to draw greater attention to a global sanitation crisis. It hasn’t always been proper to openly discuss the human call of nature. Get over it. World-wide problems associated with the lack of decent sanitation and clean water are astounding and in many cases a matter of life and death.

World Toilet Day

First World Problem Gives Insight Into Third World Crisis

We can relate to the desperate need to provide decent, basic sanitation service to everyone. As the direct result of a traumatic, germ-ridden porta potty incident involving two young children 11 years ago, the founders of Royal Restrooms dedicated their life’s work to developing a sanitary outdoor restroom alternative. From special events to disaster relief situations, we’ve spent years educating the American public about clean and safe restrooms.

Research in the development of our own sanitary arguments led us to staggering global statistics that deserve awareness among everyone who is fortunate enough to have a simple toilet, clean water, and a bar of soap. This list can barely be called the tip of the iceberg:

  • Three things most of the world cannot do: take a hot shower, get clean water from the tap, and flush away yesterday’s dinner.
  • In 3 days, the amount of untreated fecal matter in the world would fill the Superdome.
  • Lack of sanitation is the world’s leading cause of infection.
  • Diarrhea is the second leading cause of death in children under age 5 in the world. It kills more children, around 1.5 million each year, than malaria, AIDS, and measles combined. Diarrhea can be prevented with sanitation and proper hand washing.
  • Women and girls are at risk for personal safety and loss of dignity. In many areas, where they must venture out to use the bathroom in the open, females must go in groups because they are tormented by ridicule and risk being kidnapped and/or sexually assaulted.

Get Involved

There are numerous ways to get involved, from making financial donations to tweeting #WeCantWait for the cause. Learn more at Join us in raising awareness. Share this blog on your social networks. And don’t forget to thank your toilet!


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