If your state is not listed, please select the nearest state or contact our corporate office at 1-800-969-7434. We may have an office opening in your area soon.
// db connect
$db_connect = mysql_connect(“localhost”,”royalre2_statcit”,”Su_UbvxLK5qm3N_x4qo-6Vk3n”);
if (!$db_connect)
echo (“Could not connect ” . mysql_error());
// echo “connected”;
$db_name = “royalre2_StatesCities”;
$mysql_select_db = mysql_select_db($db_name,$db_connect);
$con = $db_connect;
$dbName = $db_name;
$sSql = sprintf(“SELECT RRFranchiseOffices.*, StatesAndTerritories.FullName, RRFranchiseOffices.ST, RRFranchiseOffices.CoverageArea, RRFranchiseOffices.City, RRFranchiseOffices.ZIP, RRFranchiseOffices.Lat, RRFranchiseOffices.Long FROM StatesAndTerritories INNER JOIN RRFranchiseOffices ON (StatesAndTerritories.PostalAbbreviation = RRFranchiseOffices.ST) AND (StatesAndTerritories.PostalAbbreviation = RRFranchiseOffices.ST ) ORDER BY StatesAndTerritories.FullName, RRFranchiseOffices.City, RRFranchiseOffices.ZIP;”);
$franchiseesData = getData($sSql, $con, $dbName);
$franchiseesRowCount = mySQL_num_rows($franchiseesData);
$franchiseesRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseesData);
/* ########### START DRAW GOOGLE MAP ########### */
// create Google Maps for each farmers market
// see this page for code instructions:
// http://wphostreviews.com/mappress-documentation#toc-creating-maps-dynamically
// init map point addresses, body text and map object
//$mymap = new Mappress_Map(array(“width” => 600, “zoom” => 8));
$mypoi = array();
//$mymap = new Mappress_Map(array(“width” => 600, “zoom” => 8));
$mymap = new Mappress_Map(array(“width” => 700, “height” => 450));
for ( $ctrfranchisees = 0; $ctrfranchisees <= $franchiseesRowCount – 1; $ctrfranchisees += 1) // if lat doesn’t exist and Address1 does then create Lat, Long and save them to the current db record if (($franchiseesRowCur[‘Lat’] == “” || $franchiseesRowCur[‘Lat’] == 0)) $addr = $franchiseesRowCur[‘Address1’].” “.$franchiseesRowCur[‘Address2′].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘City’].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’].’ ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ZIP’]; $mypoi_new = new Mappress_Poi(array(“address” => $addr));$mypoi_new->geocode();
//echo ”
” . print_r($mypoi_new, true) . ”
mysql_select_db(“my_db”, $con);
$lat = $mypoi_new ->point[lat];
$long = $mypoi_new ->point[lng];
//echo “RECORD UPDATED: addr: “.$addr.”, lat: “.$lat.”, long: “.$long.”
$sSql = “UPDATE RRFranchiseOffices SET RRFranchiseOffices.Lat = “.$lat.”, RRFranchiseOffices.Long = “.$long.” WHERE RRFranchiseOffices.RRFranchiseId = “.$franchiseesRowCur[‘RRFranchiseId’];
$result = mysql_query($sSql);
if (!$result)
die(‘Could not query:’ . mysql_error());
// load comm into into the map body
if (trim($franchiseesRowCur[‘Lat’]) != “”)
// get the body info that will appear in the map pins
if (trim($franchiseesRowCur[‘Address1’]) == “”)
$body = $franchiseesRowCur[‘City’].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’].’ ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ZIP’].’
$body = $franchiseesRowCur[‘Address1’].” “.$franchiseesRowCur[‘Address2′].’
‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘City’].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’].’ ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ZIP’].’
// get all franchise Comm info
$sSql = sprintf(“SELECT * from Comm WHERE RRFranchiseId = “.$franchiseesRowCur[‘RRFranchiseId’] .” ORDER BY CommType”);
$franchiseCommData = getData($sSql, $con, $dbName);
$franchiseCommRowCount = mySQL_num_rows($franchiseCommData);
$franchiseCommRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseCommData);
// loop through all Comm records
if ($franchiseCommRowCount != 0 )
for ( $ctrfranchiseComm = 0; $ctrfranchiseComm <= $franchiseCommRowCount – 1; $ctrfranchiseComm += 1)
// post the franchiseComm info
$body = $body.$franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommType’].”: “;
if ($franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommType’] == “Email”)
$body = $body. ““.$franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommValue’].”“;
elseif ($franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommType’] == “Website”)
$body = $body. “”.$franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommValue’].””;
$body = $body. $franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommValue’].””;
$body = $body.”
// fetch next franchiseComm row
$franchiseCommRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseCommData);
// end ctrfranchiseComm for loop
// end post franchiseComm info
$title = $franchiseesRowCur[‘CoverageArea’];
if ($title == “New York” || $title == “Fairfield and New Haven”)
$title = “Connecticut/New York”;
$point = array(“lat” => $franchiseesRowCur[‘Lat’], “lng” => $franchiseesRowCur[‘Long’]);
$address = $franchiseesRowCur[‘Address1′].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘Address2′].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘City’].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’].’ ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ZIP’];
$mypoi = new Mappress_Poi(array(“title” => $title, “body” => $body, “point” => $point, “correctedAddress” => $address));
$franchiseesRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseesData);
echo $mymap->display();
/* ########### END DRAW GOOGLE MAP ########### */
// franchisees script included on the http://RoyalRestrooms.com/contact-royal-restrooms/ page
// post franchisees info
$sSql = sprintf(“SELECT RRFranchiseOffices.*, StatesAndTerritories.FullName, RRFranchiseOffices.ST, RRFranchiseOffices.CoverageArea, RRFranchiseOffices.City, RRFranchiseOffices.ZIP FROM StatesAndTerritories INNER JOIN RRFranchiseOffices ON (StatesAndTerritories.PostalAbbreviation = RRFranchiseOffices.ST) AND (StatesAndTerritories.PostalAbbreviation = RRFranchiseOffices.ST ) ORDER BY StatesAndTerritories.FullName, RRFranchiseOffices.City, RRFranchiseOffices.ZIP;”);
$franchiseesData = getData($sSql, $con, $dbName);
$franchiseesRowCount = mySQL_num_rows($franchiseesData);
$franchiseesRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseesData);
$currentState = “”;
if ($franchiseesRowCount != 0 )
// list all franchisees by state, city and zip
echo ”
“; for ( $ctrfranchisees = 0; $ctrfranchisees <= $franchiseesRowCount – 1; $ctrfranchisees += 1) // put a state marker at the top of each state section if ($currentState != $franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’]) echo “”;
$currentState = $franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’];echo ”
// post the franchisees info
//echo “”;
// echo ”
echo ”
echo $franchiseesRowCur[‘Address1’].” “.$franchiseesRowCur[‘Address2’].””;
echo $franchiseesRowCur[‘City’].””;
echo $franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’].””;
echo $franchiseesRowCur[‘ZIP’].””;
echo “”;// post franchiseComm info
$sSql = sprintf(“SELECT * from Comm WHERE RRFranchiseId = “.$franchiseesRowCur[‘RRFranchiseId’] .” ORDER BY CommType”);
$franchiseCommData = getData($sSql, $con, $dbName);
$franchiseCommRowCount = mySQL_num_rows($franchiseCommData);
$franchiseCommRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseCommData);
if ($franchiseCommRowCount != 0 )
// list all franchiseComm by state, city and zip
for ( $ctrfranchiseComm = 0; $ctrfranchiseComm <= $franchiseCommRowCount – 1; $ctrfranchiseComm += 1)
// post the franchiseComm info
echo ”
echo “”.$franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommValue’].””;
echo $franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommValue’].””;
echo “”;// fetch next franchiseComm row
$franchiseCommRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseCommData);
// end ctrfranchiseComm for loop
// end post franchiseComm info// fetch next franchisees row
$franchiseesRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseesData);
// end ctrfranchisees for loop
Main Headquarters
P.O. Box 13605SavannahGA31416
“. $franchiseesRowCur[‘FullName’] .” |
Address | City | State | Zip | “; echo $franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommType’].”: “; if ($franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommType’] == “Email”) echo ““.$franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommValue’].”“; elseif ($franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommType’] == “Website”) |
Royal Restrooms Corporate Office |
Address | City | State | Zip | Email: info@regalrestrooms.com | Fax: 912.964.1228 | Office: 912.234.6800 | Toll Free/24 Hours: 800.969.7434 |
// end post franchisees info
function getData($sSql, $con, $dbName)
$dbconn = mysql_select_db($dbName, $con);
$contactsData = mysql_query($sSql, $con);
if (!$con)
die(‘$con failed, could not connect: ‘ . mysql_error());
if (!$dbconn)
die(‘$dbconn failed, could not connect to db: ‘ . mysql_error());
if (!$contactsData)
die(‘recorddata failed, could not get data: ‘ . mysql_error());
return $contactsData;
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