Choose an office location nearest you by selecting from the map or scrolling down this page to see the list of all franchises. Each office is independently owned and operated.

If your state is not listed, please select the nearest state or contact our corporate office at 1-800-969-7434. We may have an office opening in your area soon.
// db connect
$db_connect = mysql_connect(“localhost”,”royalre2_statcit”,”Su_UbvxLK5qm3N_x4qo-6Vk3n”);
if (!$db_connect)
echo (“Could not connect ” . mysql_error());
// echo “connected”;

$db_name = “royalre2_StatesCities”;
$mysql_select_db = mysql_select_db($db_name,$db_connect);
$con = $db_connect;
$dbName = $db_name;
$sSql = sprintf(“SELECT RRFranchiseOffices.*, StatesAndTerritories.FullName, RRFranchiseOffices.ST, RRFranchiseOffices.CoverageArea, RRFranchiseOffices.City, RRFranchiseOffices.ZIP, RRFranchiseOffices.Lat, RRFranchiseOffices.Long FROM StatesAndTerritories INNER JOIN RRFranchiseOffices ON (StatesAndTerritories.PostalAbbreviation = RRFranchiseOffices.ST) AND (StatesAndTerritories.PostalAbbreviation = RRFranchiseOffices.ST ) ORDER BY StatesAndTerritories.FullName, RRFranchiseOffices.City, RRFranchiseOffices.ZIP;”);
$franchiseesData = getData($sSql, $con, $dbName);
$franchiseesRowCount = mySQL_num_rows($franchiseesData);
$franchiseesRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseesData);

/* ########### START DRAW GOOGLE MAP ########### */

// create Google Maps for each farmers market
// see this page for code instructions:

// init map point addresses, body text and map object
//$mymap = new Mappress_Map(array(“width” => 600, “zoom” => 8));
$mypoi = array();
//$mymap = new Mappress_Map(array(“width” => 600, “zoom” => 8));
$mymap = new Mappress_Map(array(“width” => 700, “height” => 450));
for ( $ctrfranchisees = 0; $ctrfranchisees <= $franchiseesRowCount – 1; $ctrfranchisees += 1) // if lat doesn’t exist and Address1 does then create Lat, Long and save them to the current db record if (($franchiseesRowCur[‘Lat’] == “” || $franchiseesRowCur[‘Lat’] == 0)) $addr = $franchiseesRowCur[‘Address1’].” “.$franchiseesRowCur[‘Address2′].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘City’].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’].’ ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ZIP’]; $mypoi_new = new Mappress_Poi(array(“address” => $addr));$mypoi_new->geocode();
//echo ”
” . print_r($mypoi_new, true) . ”
mysql_select_db(“my_db”, $con);
$lat = $mypoi_new ->point[lat];
$long = $mypoi_new ->point[lng];

//echo “RECORD UPDATED: addr: “.$addr.”, lat: “.$lat.”, long: “.$long.”
$sSql = “UPDATE RRFranchiseOffices SET RRFranchiseOffices.Lat = “.$lat.”, RRFranchiseOffices.Long = “.$long.” WHERE RRFranchiseOffices.RRFranchiseId = “.$franchiseesRowCur[‘RRFranchiseId’];
$result = mysql_query($sSql);
if (!$result)
die(‘Could not query:’ . mysql_error());

// load comm into into the map body
if (trim($franchiseesRowCur[‘Lat’]) != “”)
// get the body info that will appear in the map pins
if (trim($franchiseesRowCur[‘Address1’]) == “”)
$body = $franchiseesRowCur[‘City’].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’].’ ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ZIP’].’
$body = $franchiseesRowCur[‘Address1’].” “.$franchiseesRowCur[‘Address2′].’
‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘City’].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’].’ ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ZIP’].’
// get all franchise Comm info
$sSql = sprintf(“SELECT * from Comm WHERE RRFranchiseId = “.$franchiseesRowCur[‘RRFranchiseId’] .” ORDER BY CommType”);
$franchiseCommData = getData($sSql, $con, $dbName);
$franchiseCommRowCount = mySQL_num_rows($franchiseCommData);
$franchiseCommRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseCommData);
// loop through all Comm records
if ($franchiseCommRowCount != 0 )
for ( $ctrfranchiseComm = 0; $ctrfranchiseComm <= $franchiseCommRowCount – 1; $ctrfranchiseComm += 1)
// post the franchiseComm info
$body = $body.$franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommType’].”:  “;
if ($franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommType’] == “Email”)
$body = $body. ““.$franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommValue’].”“;
elseif ($franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommType’] == “Website”)
$body = $body. “”.$franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommValue’].””;

$body = $body. $franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommValue’].””;

$body = $body.”

// fetch next franchiseComm row
$franchiseCommRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseCommData);
// end ctrfranchiseComm for loop
// end post franchiseComm info

$title = $franchiseesRowCur[‘CoverageArea’];
if ($title == “New York” || $title == “Fairfield and New Haven”)
$title = “Connecticut/New York”;
$point = array(“lat” => $franchiseesRowCur[‘Lat’], “lng” => $franchiseesRowCur[‘Long’]);
$address = $franchiseesRowCur[‘Address1′].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘Address2′].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘City’].’, ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’].’ ‘.$franchiseesRowCur[‘ZIP’];
$mypoi = new Mappress_Poi(array(“title” => $title, “body” => $body, “point” => $point, “correctedAddress” => $address));


$franchiseesRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseesData);

echo $mymap->display();

/* ########### END DRAW GOOGLE MAP ########### */

// franchisees script included on the page

// post franchisees info
$sSql = sprintf(“SELECT RRFranchiseOffices.*, StatesAndTerritories.FullName, RRFranchiseOffices.ST, RRFranchiseOffices.CoverageArea, RRFranchiseOffices.City, RRFranchiseOffices.ZIP FROM StatesAndTerritories INNER JOIN RRFranchiseOffices ON (StatesAndTerritories.PostalAbbreviation = RRFranchiseOffices.ST) AND (StatesAndTerritories.PostalAbbreviation = RRFranchiseOffices.ST ) ORDER BY StatesAndTerritories.FullName, RRFranchiseOffices.City, RRFranchiseOffices.ZIP;”);
$franchiseesData = getData($sSql, $con, $dbName);
$franchiseesRowCount = mySQL_num_rows($franchiseesData);
$franchiseesRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseesData);
$currentState = “”;
if ($franchiseesRowCount != 0 )
// list all franchisees by state, city and zip
echo ”

“; for ( $ctrfranchisees = 0; $ctrfranchisees <= $franchiseesRowCount – 1; $ctrfranchisees += 1) // put a state marker at the top of each state section if ($currentState != $franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’]) echo “”;
$currentState = $franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’];echo ”

// post the franchisees info
//echo “”;
// echo ”


echo ”


echo $franchiseesRowCur[‘Address1’].” “.$franchiseesRowCur[‘Address2’].””;
echo $franchiseesRowCur[‘City’].””;
echo $franchiseesRowCur[‘ST’].””;
echo $franchiseesRowCur[‘ZIP’].””;
echo “”;// post franchiseComm info
$sSql = sprintf(“SELECT * from Comm WHERE RRFranchiseId = “.$franchiseesRowCur[‘RRFranchiseId’] .” ORDER BY CommType”);
$franchiseCommData = getData($sSql, $con, $dbName);
$franchiseCommRowCount = mySQL_num_rows($franchiseCommData);
$franchiseCommRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseCommData);
if ($franchiseCommRowCount != 0 )
// list all franchiseComm by state, city and zip
for ( $ctrfranchiseComm = 0; $ctrfranchiseComm <= $franchiseCommRowCount – 1; $ctrfranchiseComm += 1)
// post the franchiseComm info
echo ”
echo “”.$franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommValue’].””;

echo $franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommValue’].””;
echo “”;// fetch next franchiseComm row
$franchiseCommRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseCommData);
// end ctrfranchiseComm for loop
// end post franchiseComm info// fetch next franchisees row
$franchiseesRowCur = mysql_fetch_assoc($franchiseesData);
// end ctrfranchisees for loop

Main Headquarters

P.O. Box 13605SavannahGA31416

“. $franchiseesRowCur[‘FullName’] .”

Address City State Zip “;
echo $franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommType’].”:  “;
if ($franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommType’] == “Email”)
echo ““.$franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommValue’].”“;
elseif ($franchiseCommRowCur[‘CommType’] == “Website”)

Royal Restrooms Corporate Office

Address City State Zip Email: Fax:  912.964.1228 Office:  912.234.6800 Toll Free/24 Hours:  800.969.7434

// end post franchisees info


function getData($sSql, $con, $dbName)
$dbconn = mysql_select_db($dbName, $con);
$contactsData = mysql_query($sSql, $con);
if (!$con)
die(‘$con failed, could not connect: ‘ . mysql_error());

if (!$dbconn)
die(‘$dbconn failed, could not connect to db: ‘ . mysql_error());

if (!$contactsData)
die(‘recorddata failed, could not get data: ‘ . mysql_error());

return $contactsData;

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